Basic User 101 Course

Basic User 101 Course

The DocuWare Academy Basic User 101 Course offers training for individuals who want to learn the basics of DocuWare, or as a refresher for those with previous experience.

This course covers:
  • General Overview – Learn which operating systems and browsers work best with DocuWare. This lesson will also cover the basics of the interface layout.
  • General User Settings – Learn how to reset passwords and set up document trays.
  • Importing Documents – Learn how to import documents into docuware using several different methods.
  • Storing Documents – Learn how to store documents to a file cabinet completely indexed.
  • Searching Documents – Discover how the ‘search’ feature works and how to quickly find what you need.
  • Using Annotations – Learn how to use annotation overlays to redact information, make notes, highlight text, and more.
  • Using Folders – Learn how to use a Windows folder structure for importing documents into DocuWare completely indexed.
  • Using Forms – Learn how to utilize the Forms module.
  • Using Stamps – Learn how a basic workflow works using stamps.